Magic For Grown-Ups

We have a required age of 12 or older in our evening shows.

Our shows ARE family friendly however, they are NOT designed for younger children and toddlers. PLEASE bring children under 12 to our Saturday Matinees. Click here to see more details on this STRICT policy!

Our award winning Original Show!


Impossible Things 
Our original show, which lead to the opening of our theater! It was first performed on the road, later at “The Close Up Room” (a small private theater) and became our award winning show at Cosmo’s Magic Theater.

Sleight of Hand, a little history and “Mentalism”!
The show is an account of Cosmo’s evolution from a 5 year old, performing his first trick for his kindergarten class mates, to a full time world class sleight of hand performer. Cosmo demonstrates sleight of hand with playing cards, coins, and other items and touches on his new passion for mentalism, which is a fancy term for mind reading and such

Our all NEW show!


Out of Our Minds! 
After presenting our first show “Impossible Things” for over 3 years, Cosmo debuted this new show in June of 2022 as a celebration of the theater’s One Year Anniversary to RAVE REVIEWS!

An extra boost of mentalism! 
The response to the mentalism done in our first show prompted Cosmo to write a whole new show with a lot more of this, mind reading style of magic. While still featuring world class sleight of hand, you’ll experience mind reading demonstrations and even influence the outcome based on YOUR OWN THOUGHTS and input! 

Why 12 and older?

Until recently, we’ve only RECOMMENDED young teens and older but we now REQUIRE children attending our evening shows must be 12 or older, here’s why: In nearly EVERY instance where a family with younger children attended the show, the children have gotten restless, (even bored) and disrupted the show. (It’s a full evening of about 2 hours and the content of the show was created for older audiences.)

Many (MOST) times the family ends up leaving early. Nothing is worse than knowing that a family spent money only to not be able to stay and enjoy the show!

PLEASE know that we are doing our best to be respectful to ALL of our patrons, and that the EVENING shows are something we designed for the “grown ups” to get out and have a great night! 

Also, we hate to see the little ones NOT having fun, so please consider bringing them to an afternoon matinee, “kidshow”!

IMPORTANT: We do NOT enjoy having to enforce these policies and hope that we NEVER HAVE TO, however, we cannot offer refunds to anyone who ignores our policies and shows up to our evening shows with very young children. We have VERY limited seating and for that reason don’t offer last minute refunds. PLEASE don’t put us in the very uncomfortable position of having to turn you away! 

We ask for your understanding and mutual respect to our policies and guidlines, only designed to assure EVERYONE has a fantastic and magical evening! again, THANK YOU for your understanding!

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